mardi 13 décembre 2011

Grunge Rocks

So in the early nineties a great music style emerge they called it Grunge mostly because its sounded like music who sould stay in a garage! But its that sound that made it big.... people wanted to hear something new something real and that what grunge music is about saying what people dont usually say.... the truth and what our society is becoming.....
So here is little Grunge inspiration and a few band names for the interested ones
- Nirvana ( Of course)
-Pearl Jam
-Smashing Pumpkins and more ....... And I love love love the grunge fashion style i even rock it quite often

I know their mostly Nirvana pictures but I can't help it I love them and so sould you...
No I think their one of the great bands that existed they did alot for music.... and even is Kurt Cobain din't have that great of a  voice the passion he had made everything goood!! And I still belive that Courtney INSANE Love is still responsable for KILLING HIM!!!!

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